Well, I crossed the five month mark this week, and have lost a total of 53 pounds so far! I'm thankful for the progress, and have set a mini-goal of losing at least another 10-12 pounds by the end of the year.
If I'm honest about it, the past month has held its share of frustrations on this journey. I managed to blow out a hamstring about two weeks ago, and while I'm recovering pretty well and walking without the crutches now, I'm still experiencing a great deal of pain in and behind my knee that has sidelined my aroebic exercise until it heals. Maybe I just need to see it as a good opportunity to pull the balance ball back out and do some core strength training!
The last few weeks have been pretty emotional for me. I'm at the point where I've lost, what many people would say is a lot of weight. I mean, I've lost more than my 5-year-old son weighs, and that's pretty exciting and makes me feel good about my accomplishments so far! But at the same time, I have SO far still to go. And that seems daunting some days. I guess that's why I continually think of this as a journey. There are no shortcuts. It requires putting one foot in front of the other every single day, and one of these days, maybe even before I know it, I'll reach my goal, look back, and realize it was worth the trip!