Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Calling Names

I mentioned in a previous post that from time to time I was going to address some of the emotional issues that come along with weight loss.  So, here you go!

Most people tend to carry around several titles throughout their lives.  Me?  I’m a Christian, wife, mom, sister, friend, blogger, employee, daughter…you get the idea.  Throughout my childhood and teen years, I carried around a whole host of other names, although none were of my choosing.  In my very first post on this blog, Why Polyester?  I talked about the horrible names my pediatrician called me during an office visit when I was just 7 years old.  That doctor wasn’t the only one who used to call me names because of my weight.  Getting teased was a daily occurrence for me at school. 

While so many kids made fun of me from time to time, there was one particular girl and her group of friends who tormented me. Every. Single. Day.  I had the unfortunate problem of going to school from first grade through high school graduation with this girl, and she never let up on me.  She was the harsh, classic bully that intimidated me, stole my lunch money and school supplies, threatened me, and found every possible way to humiliate me about my size in front of other classmates whenever she could.  The list of cruel names she had for me back then seemed endless.    

As an adult, the names continued to come at me, only from different sources.  In clothing stores I was labeled as an “extended size,” at the doctor’s office I was labeled as “morbidly obese,” and on more than one occasion I have been referred to as the “plus-sized gal,” and the “heavy-set lady” among other descriptions people have had for me in both social and professional realms.

As I have now lost 167 pounds (!), I’ve been dealing with getting past the negative names I’ve been called throughout my life, and ironically enough, it’s been due to complimentary remarks that people have made.  You see, very well-meaning friends, people who I know care about me and are supportive and encouraging to me in my journey, have said things to me like, “Hey Skinny!” or called me “Skinny-Minny” and similar things.  There is a part of me, that when someone says something like that, I feel very, very self-conscious.  It’s kind of like the idea of nick-naming someone for a characteristic that is completely opposite of the way things actually are…like calling a guy who’s 6’8” tall “Shorty”.  See what I mean?  At a size 18, I know that I am far from being anywhere near skinny at this point.  Thinner than when I started? Absolutely!  But really and truly thin?  Nope, not yet.  So, I have to resist the emotional urge to feel like I’m being made fun of when people say things to me like “You’re going to blow away if you lose much more weight!” I know in my head that they’re not making fun of me, they love me and are acknowledging my weight loss in a light-hearted and encouraging manner, but part of healing from the past means I have to remind my heart of this fact regularly.

Losing weight truly is about much more than just shedding pounds from your body.  Living as an overweight individual results in a host of emotional baggage, and through the grace of God, I’m learning to drop the emotional weight I’ve carried for so long right along with the physical weight!

Healthy. Healed. Whole.  This is the theme for my life!


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(Just a reminder/disclosure…I am not a medical professional or certified trainer, so anything I write in this blog is not intended to be taken as advice, guidance, or recommendations.  It is simply a journal of my own personal experiences.  Thanks!)

Monday, April 22, 2013

Crazy Pain

Wow, I have had some crazy stuff going on with my back since Friday! 

As I've talked about in the past, before I started on my weight loss journey, I had a bad fall in a local park that resulted in extreme back pain and sciatic nerve issues in the right side of my back and my right leg.  That went on for such a long time, and was the worst physical pain I had ever endured.  As I have lost weight over the last 22 months, that sciatic pain had completely went away, and I can't remember the last time I dealt with it.

Fast forward to this past Friday.  Friday morning, I went to work as usual, with no back pain or issues at all.  By 10:30am, my back had started hurting, truly out of nowhere, and on the left side of my spine.  It literally started hurting while I was sitting in my office chair.  I had not done any kind of strength workouts for a week, and had done no lifting or anything out of the ordinary.  I can't pinpoint any specific action that could have caused this.

The pain got so bad that I left work early Friday and went to the chiropractor.  He did an adjustment and sent me home to ice packs and rest.  I proceeded to spend the entire weekend flat on my back in my bed, as it was the only position I could be in to get any measure of relief!  Even though I was in bed and resting for almost three whole days, doing nothing, I felt completely exhausted, and couldn't even get myself to read and dozed in and out of movies on the television.  My sweet boys came and went to entertain me from time to time by reading Dr. Suess books to me, performing little skits they made up, and climbing into the bed to watch movies with me, on the strict instructions that they had to lay still and couldn't bounce around because any kind of movement made me hurt.

Today, I had to come into work, and have been on pain relievers and using a heating pad all day, but haven't had much relief.  This feels just like the sciatica I used to get in my heavier days in my right side, only now it's in my left side.  The wrong movement makes it feel like an electrical shock in my back, that then travels down my leg with a searing pain.  There just aren't words to describe how bad it hurts.  Off and on over the weekend I would just cry, telling my husband that I never, ever dreamed I would have this kind of back pain again since I've lost so much weight.  Not to mention, the frustration over having done nothing specific to injure myself or set it off. 

So, for now, I continue to pray for healing and rest as much as possible and I appreciate your prayers as well as I mend!


I would love for you to check out my Facebook page and to Like it while you're there.  Just click this link to go directly to the page (you'll have to log on to Like it) and then don't forget to hover over the Like button and check the box for "show in news feed" so that you don't miss any of the posts:


(Just a reminder/disclosure…I am not a medical professional or certified trainer, so anything I write in this blog is not intended to be taken as advice, guidance, or recommendations.  It is simply a journal of my own personal experiences.  Thanks!)

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

22 Months and Still Going Strong

Well friends, today marks 22 months since I started on my weight loss journey and I’m happy to report that I’m still going strong, and continuing to learn things along the way!  For month 22, I lost 6.6 pounds, which brings my grand total to-date to 165.3 pounds lost!

Back in January, I came to a point when I decided that I would purposely go into maintenance mode for a while, instead of trying to actively lose weight.  To be honest with you, there was a little part of me that wondered how I would handle maintenance.  Would I feel like I could splurge more often and end up gaining some of the weight back?  Would the thought of eating more per day feel scary?  Would I truly be able to maintain my losses?

Well, the answers came in a good, well-balanced way!  I have spent the last three months in maintenance mode, and did not go overboard with it.  I basically ate the same things I eat in loss mode, just a little more of it.  I continued to track my intake and to weigh-in daily.  Through the process, I discovered that my habits really have changed for the better, and I am not the same person I was before I started losing weight, where my personal health and nutrition are concerned.

About two weeks ago, as I was nearing the end of my planned maintenance season, I began to ask myself if I really wanted to jump back into losing mode or just stay on in maintenance indefinitely.  After all, I reasoned, losing over 160 pounds without the aid of surgeries or specialized programs was a significant accomplishment, all of the symptoms of my back injury and reflux have been gone for a long time now, I weigh less and wear a smaller size than I did when I was 13 years old, and I have complete freedom and mobility.  I asked myself if it was worth the effort to keep going on the weight loss journey.

Quickly, I realized that the answer was a resounding yes!  Why?  Because, I am worth it.  I am worth being the best me I can possibly achieve, and part of that includes not giving up on my goals, be it with weight loss or in other areas of my life (which is why I continue to read hundreds of pages of textbooks each week and write more papers than I can count, because I WILL finally earn my degree!)  And today, I want to encourage you as well.  Let me remind you that you are worth pursuing your goals.  Don’t give up in the middle of your journey because you’re tired, or it seems too big of a job to finish.  Don’t get complacent and satisfied with the progress you’ve made part-way and never make it to the finish line.  Don’t lose sight of the dreams you have in your heart and the goals you’ve set for yourself, because you can accomplish them!

I have just 59.7 more pounds to lose until I reach my goal of losing 225 pounds!  What’s your goal, and what are you going to do to make sure you reach it?


I would love for you to check out my Facebook page and to Like it while you're there.  Just click this link to go directly to the page (you'll have to log on to Like it) and then don't forget to hover over the Like button and check the box for "show in news feed" so that you don't miss any of the posts:


(Just a reminder/disclosure…I am not a medical professional or certified trainer, so anything I write in this blog is not intended to be taken as advice, guidance, or recommendations.  It is simply a journal of my own personal experiences.  Thanks!)

Friday, April 5, 2013

A Quick Update

Hey folks!  I wanted to stop in and write a quick post to let you know that I haven't fallen off the face of the planet, really!  My writing schedule for school this semester has been insane, plus I've had a couple of skits to write for church the last two weeks, so when I score a few minutes of down time, I'm spent, and just cannot get myself to write anything else!

I do have several posts that I'm planning to get out soon...Some interesting happenings and perspectives I'm looking forward to sharing, so bear with me!

In the meanwhile, I hope you all had a beautiful Easter!


I would love for you to check out my Facebook page and to Like it while you're there.  Just click this link to go directly to the page (you'll have to log on to Like it) and then don't forget to hover over the Like button and check the box for "show in news feed" so that you don't miss any of the posts:

(Just a reminder/disclosure…I am not a medical professional or certified trainer, so anything I write in this blog is not intended to be taken as advice, guidance, or recommendations.  It is simply a journal of my own personal experiences.  Thanks!)